Tanta Faculty of Physical Education Gains ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 9001: 2015 in Management of Educational Institutions and Quality Management Systems after Meeting the International Standards

Prof. Magdy Wakwak, Acting Dean of Faculty of Physical Education, announced that the faculty gained two ISO certificates namely ISO 2018: 21001 and ISO 9001: 2015 in management of educational institutions and education quality from QME; adding that it was due to the support provided by Prof. Mahmoud Zaki, Tanta University President, via applying the theory of Management by Objectives (MBO) in determining the and implementing the targets of the strategic plan. He clarified that the university’s advanced ranking in the international ranking is evidence for the exerted efforts in achieving the strategic targets.

Moreover, Prof. Magdy Wakwak thanked the faculty’s administration and the quality team for their outstanding efforts, and congratulated all personnel of the faculty on gaining the ISO certificates.
