Youth Welfare

Student welfare, which is affiliated to Youth Welfare Department, plays a prominent role in building the personality of the university student in an integrated manner through practicing different activities that contribute to satisfying his tendencies and desires. It is to be in order to invest the energies and capabilities of students, allow them to acquire new experiences and skills, and raise their physical, intellectual and emotional levels.
Youth Welfare Department includes specialists in dealing with youth at the University having the ability to develop their skills and abilities to perform their role in serving their homeland and developing their community. In addition, the Department is responsible for providing financial and moral care via the services which vary according to the changes and developments of student requirements.
The role of Youth Welfare Department is summarized in the following points:
1. Student Activities through:
• Applying a plan for different student activities (scientific - sports - cultural - art - scout and public service - social - trips – families)
• Providing projects in different fields of activities
• Positive cooperation in implementing the activities selected by students
2. The role of Student Welfare is summarized in the following points:
• Studying social, psychological, and educational problems that might confront students to find proper solutions.
• Solving economic problems of students via Social Solidarity Fund.
• Aspects of care and services provided by Student Welfare are:
a) Activities (social-cultural-art-families-science and technology-scout-sports)
b) Student services (Social Solidarity Fund- feeding vouchers)
c) Registration for student families
d) Performing student elections
e) Participating in central activities inside or outside the University