Curricula of Methodology Department


The Department of Curricula & Methodology is one of the departments of the Faculty. It aims to achieve excellence in scientific research, its applications in the field of curricula and methodology, and strengthen the scientific research between the department and the research centers related to preparing the raising generation and the teacher's preparation and training locally, regionally and globally. The Department of Curricula and Methodology is one of the supportive departments of the Faculty, which grants a bachelor's degree in the specialization of the teaching division.
The Department contributes to the educational rehabilitation and preparation of students. It provides educational courses for students of the Faculty. The department also supervises students of practical education in general education schools, and teaches the educational courses within its specialties in all departments and disciplines.
The department also deals with research, studies and curricula development in the specializations of curricula, planning, design, evaluation and teaching skills, methods and strategies and methods of teaching special categories (the disabled, students with learning difficulties and the talented).
The department is currently headed by Prof. Amal Al-Zoghbi Al-Saeed Al-Sajini