Student Union

Student Union Council is formed annually:
Student Union Council is formed annually, under the leadership of Faculty Dean or one of his deputies, from:
• Consults of the seven committees' members of Student Union Council
• Head of the technical staff for youth welfare at the Faculty.
• Committees' secretaries of the Student Union Council.
• Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the Student Union.
• The head of the technical staff of Youth Welfare at the Faculty shall be the Secretary of the Fund of the Council.
• The Student Union Council at the Faculty works to achieve the aims of student unions through the following committees:
1. The Sports Committee
2. The Artistic Activity Committee.
3. The Scout and Public Service Committee.
4. The Cultural Activity Committee.
5. The Social Activity and Trips Committee.
6. The Families Committee.
7. The Scientific Committee.
The Faculty Union Council shall draw up the union's policy in the light of the programs adopted by the above-mentioned committees.
It also works to strengthen relations with other student unions at other faculties of the University.
Conditions of Nomination for the Student Union and How to Form Student Unions
• The University President shall determine the date of the elections and the general manager of Youth Welfare shall notify the faculties of the dates. Therefore, the Student Welfare Department shall announce deadline set for the nomination. The student who wishes to nominate himself shall submit the form with three modern personal photos. Conditions to be met by each candidate are:
• To have an Egyptian nationality.
• To have good morals and good reputation..
• Tuition fees shall be paid.
• To have a noticeable activity.
• He must not have been previously sentenced or has been decided to drop his membership at one of the student union committees.
Student Union Committees
The Sports Committee
One of the most important activities that the Student Welfare Department takes in the eye of consideration is the sports activity. This activity includes (football- basketball- volleyball- handball- table tennis- tennis- speedball- squash- swimming- - wrestling - boxing - judo - karate - kung Fu - taekwondo - bodybuilding - weightlifting - athletics - road race).
The Student Welfare Department undertakes refresher courses at the beginning of each year to select the best elements to form the Faculty teams in the different games in order to participate in the University league as well as the Egyptian universities leagues. The Scout and Public Service
The Scout was set up in 1896 by Lord Baden-Powell, and the scout is considered one of the scouting stages. Students from the age of 18 to 24 years can join it. It aims at preparing an integrated personality of the citizen through:
1-Strengthening adherence to spiritual and religious values
2-Ability to make decisions, take responsibility, self-reliance and develop the spirit of belonging.
3- Practicing group work for the sake of all. 4- The ability to acquire the skills of comprehensive self-development.
5-Practicing various activities (artistic - cultural - sports – social)
There is an oath of the scout and public service which is:
"On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country; to help other people at all times; and to obey the scout law."
Artistic Committee
It is considered one of the Student Union committees; through which students can practice all kinds of artistic activity in an educational frame. It aims generally to find the artistic taste for faculty students including different artistic types like (painting- painting on glass – sculpting – burn on wood - music - choir - folk arts - theatrical acting - singing - pantomime).
Social and Trips Committee:
It is the recreational committee for students that prepares various trips that spread the spirit of fun and happiness and works to develop the spirit of teamwork among students and strengthen the relationship between students and their professors outside the study rooms. The Committee funds trips so that the student can participate in more than one trip during the academic year to identify the most important archaeological sites in our beloved country.
The Committee works to encourage students participate in social competitions, chess competitions, ideal student and volunteer campaigns to donate blood. The Scientific Committee
Since the academic year 2008/2009, number of committees has increased by adding the Scientific Committee.